What are we doing now?


Life as we know it has been put on hold, we have to make another. The old, the new and the futur are in a strange tension and fracmented discourse.

I have found myself discovering sound breakcrumps  of my past and songs on my computer music library unlistend for a long time, since I experince most of my music on platforms in the world wide web. I started making a radio show exploring the sounds of my past. It is called Wasteland in Isolation and is edited whilst being recorded this means the structure is created through doing and finding a kind of attement to keep a live element. Performance is a crucial part of my arts practise and the live moment is a key part of my work which is difficult in a time of distance.

My aim is to make a weekly radio show, so far there are two!

Here is a link to my Mixedcloud profile where you can listen and share the shows:

The show has appeart on the Deepbed online radio platfrom.


Begin with Uta

Saturday 11th May 8pm

Uta’s Wasteland productions presents a playful evening of beginnings. Collaberations and solo pieces by a wonderful mix of humans. Starring : SEAN ROE, BRENDA WAITE, BILL JONES, JONNY FLUFFY PUNK, UTA BALDAUF and STROUDS SECRET FUNK BAND.

Flash interviews, sound samples will be collected through out, to bring the evening to the sound waves for a ongoing future data pollution.

I am pleased so say this will be happening at ATELIER , Lower Street, Stroud, GL5 2HT

Look out for more updates….or just trust in the unkown of Uta’s Wasteland Productions.

£ 5

Trenchcoats for Goalposts

  • Jonny Fluffypunk, Bill Jones ,John Bassett, Uta Baldauf, Stuart Butler, Paul Southcott, Angela Findlay, Crispin Thomas & Jeff The Fuse (Out To Lunch)Following a packed and acclaimed show here in 2016, be transported once more in theatre, spoken word, live music and song to No Man’s Land in a moving and often funny re-creation of the 1914 Christmas Truce.
  • 7th December 19.30, at the Subscription Rooms, Stroud, Gloucestershire
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